a zest for fashion. lifestyle. & design

Friday, March 30, 2012


I have some big news to share with all of you...Matt & I are expecting!!! I am 13 weeks and due this Oct 6th. Hopefully this news will make up for my lack of posts!  My head has been in the clouds & on my pillow thanks to first trimester fatigue.  We are so excited and I can't wait to share this journey with all of you!

Our little baby

How cool is this picture in 4-D
You can see the baby's arms & legs so clearly. Baby was moving quite a bit during the ultrasound! 

Sharing the news
I made each of the grandparents their own onesie with a personalized message. Watching their reactions was so much fun.  My Mom plans on being called GiGi so I made this one for her!

 Prego Cravings  
These are embarrassing because I have such a sweet tooth!

Breakfast before my weekend hike
40 cal Vanilla Almond milk, Banana, handful Trader Joe's nonfat Vanilla granola

I will be a "Super Chunk" if my Mom won't stop supplying me with this brown butter caramel popcorn! Found at Scottsdale Marketplace


Green beans

Pecan pancakes for dinner
I ate them before I was able to snap a picture they were that good.

Health & Fitness
I have been hiking 2x a week and walking on other days that I have time.  Staying hydrated is super important while pregnant I learned my lesson last weekend when I almost fainted after a hike with my Mom. That is one pregnancy symptom that I do have is feeling dizzy & light headed in the mornings when I get up.
 I am rigid with my vitamins & I am trying to relax and get lots of rest.  Taking naps on the weekends is my favorite thing, it's truly amazing! As far as weight gain I haven't gained any yet but I am working on eating healthy and listening to my body's needs!

Happy Weekend!


  1. OMG!!! Congrats to both you and Matt!!! So excited for you guys!!!! xoxoxo

  2. Congratulations! Pregnancy is not always rad, but it is awesome. Wait until you feel your baby moving around; it is the best! I am so excited for you and Matt.

  3. Thank you girls! I am really enjoying everything so far and I can't wait until we feel a little kick! xo
