My Hump
A gift from The Fitz-Gerald's her Aunt & Uncle via friendship! How adorable <3
Gender: Girly Girl!!!
How far along? 30 weeks only 10 more to go!
Baby Size: 3 lbs
& 15 inches long
Total weight gain: 17+ lbs
Maternity clothes? Still mixing in my regular clothes & trying
to make my hump look stylish!
Exercise: Staying
with my Pre-Natal yoga class once a week.
Recent happenings? This baby is taking all of my nutrients;
my Doctor has me taking slow releasing iron now. I’m up to 5 vitamins a day! Im also dying to hear about Matt’s Daddy bootcamp it’s tomorrow night! Wish
there was a double sided mirror for the wives to watch, I can only imagine how
funny it would be!
How my life has changed so far: We are now starting to train our other baby…
our dog Lute to sleep in the main part of the house to become more of a watch
dog rather than our big cuddly snuggle bunny. We moved his bed out of our room
& into the main part of the house so he can conduct his nightly patrol and keep
our soon to be family of 3 safe! He is taking his job very seriously and I
think he likes his new role in the household!
*All recommendations from Gigi she holds a gold medal in security,
love you Mom J
Movement: Her movements are much stronger now. She is a silly one, about once a day now she
gets me good with a few really strong thrusts that I literally shout with
surprise! I’m also noticing movement
from the outside as well where I can see a bulge on one side of my belly where
I am guessing her little butt is pressingJ
Food cravings: Back to bagels, cinnamon raisin with butter
is on the menu for lunch this week! I
went through a chocolate cereal thing for a day where I ate it dry and right
out of the box until my stomach ached (it still makes me grossed out just thinking
about it). Still loving fruit: nectarines, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cantelope, you name it!
Symptoms: It’s a sick
cycle I’m thirsty throughout the night , which leads to you guessed it…lots of potty
breaks as well. My nesting has kicked in a little bit and I’m anxious to get
things marked off my checklist!