1. Safeway delivery
Having your groceries delivered right to your door is life changing! You login online view your purchase history and start shopping it's that easy! Your first time is FREE and then they send you delivery coupons all the time, I think I paid once and it was WELL worth the $6. Shop here
2. Amazon Subscribe and Save
First of all you never want to run out of diapers, secondly they are bulky, thirdly with car seats and diaper bags having one less thing to load and unload out of your car is always a plus. I signed up to have her diapers delivered it's simple, easy to make changes when she out grows a size, and you save 10% every time! www.amazon.com
3. Buying in bulk
We love Costco's baby wipes and it's great because they come individually packaged and we can stock up!
She is the cutest thing ever!!! - Kailey