a zest for fashion. lifestyle. & design

Monday, August 6, 2012


Gender:  Girly Girl
How far along? 31 weeks
Baby Size:  Size of a Pineapple
Total weight gain: 20 lbs  
*This is when your baby goes through a  major growth spurt so from this point on your supposed to gain a 1 lb a week!
Maternity clothes: I’m set in this department, going to ride out the last 9 weeks with what I have! Now I’m starting to think about what I will wear home from the hospital! Also looking into a few postpartum necessities nursing bras, easy access tops, and leggings.
Exercise:  Looking forward to walking on the beach in San Diego and getting some exercise in while on our babymoon!
Recent happenings: I would recommend Daddy Boot camp for first time Dad’s, Matt came home super pumped and taught me a few things! It was cute to hear him tell me how to change a baby’s diaper, he was grinning from ear to ear!  I also went to a meet & greet for a potential Pediatrics office in our neighborhood, I really liked all of their personalities and philosophies. I learned a few things too! Like I need to get a flu shot before our bumpcake is born because some of the vaccine could transfer to the baby, also whopping cough is important for Mom (you will get in hospital after birth), Dad, Grandparents, or anyone else who will be spending a lot of time with the baby.  
How my life has changed so far: I can no longer see my toes so putting on my shoes is a real chore. Thankfully Matt has learned the art of mastering a strappy sandal, he is so patient with me & helps me get my sandals on! The little things that count the most!

Movement: Lots of rolls, twists, & turns, I think this little miss is slowly outgrowing her living quarters not as much room to kick & play as she grows in size.
Food cravings: My appetite has grown a bit, I’m hungrier than I used to be but I get full and uncomfortable fast?! This weekend I passed up leftover Mexican food for a sandwich?! Mexican food is one of my favorite things but it's been kind of a turnoff most of my pregnancy?! So I made a delicious turkey bacon,avocado,onion,sprout,tomato sandwich at home! I ate this for lunch & dinner and it sounds pretty good right now:) 
Symptoms:  Shortness of breath, lower tummy and back aches.  Also not sleeping as well my shoulder starts to hurt from always having to sleep on my left side. However, this weekend I made up for it with a 3.5 hour nap, early bedtimes, and late morning wakeups… guess my body needed some rest!
Looking forward to our couples baby shower & my two BFF's coming to visit this weekend!


  1. The baby shower is couples??! Had no idea. So I should bring Patrick with me? :)

  2. Yeah!! Can't wait to see you and celebrate this sweet little girl!!

  3. Yes it's a couples shower so Patrick is a must!

  4. Good thing I read the blog today :) Can't wait for Saturday!

  5. adore this. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear what you think of my latest outfit and post for LaurenConrad.com. xo

